Anthony Flaum



Astudiodd Anthony yn yr Academi Gerddoriaeth Frenhinol a’r Stiwdio Opera Genedlaethol. Mae ei rannau’n cynnwys Borsa Rigoletto (Opera Genedlaethol Lloegr), Pinkerton Madama Butterfly a Rodolfo La bohème (Iford Arts), Tybalt Romeo et Juliette, Lensky Eugene Onegin, Tschekalinski The Queen of Spades a Motel Kamzoyl Fiddler on the Roof (Grange Park Opera), Frederic The Pirates of Penzance a Nanki-Poo The Mikado (Cwmni Opera Cenedlaethol G&S, taith o’r DU), rhan y teitl Aroldo (UC Opera / Theatre Royal Stratford East), Macduff Macbeth (Scottish Opera), Nemorino L’elisir d’amore (Nevill Holt Opera / Opera Gogledd Iwerddon) a Henrik Little Night Music a Scaramuccio Ariadne auf Naxos (West Green House Opera).

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Help get Mid Wales Opera back on the road

Only a few months ago we thought Mid Wales Opera was finished. Now, thanks to a funding lifeline from Powys County Council, we are within touching distance of having a sustainable plan to keep on producing live and local opera across Wales for at least three years.

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