
The Marriage of Figaro

Farewell to Figaro

We’d usually write an end of the tour blog….so while the tour of The Marriage of Figaro ended prematurely we thought we’d still share some of our thoughts about what has been an absolute joy of a production from start...
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A fresh look at Figaro

One of the joys of performing live opera is that every night is different, each theatre, audience or acoustic adds its own twist to the production and it’s never the same show twice. With an opera like The Marriage of...
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Who’s coming to the wedding?

…counting down to the big day with The Marriage of Figaro Our fabulous Figaro cast can’t wait to get started – both exploring Wales and exploring their roles in our exciting new production. Each new MWO production is a fresh adventure and meeting...
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Why You (& Your Kids) Will Love The Marriage of Figaro

My first experience of The Marriage of Figaro was as a student, accompanying rehearsals and, in my days as a violinist, leading the orchestra. I saw it on stage twice before conducting it myself; the first was at the Royal...
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Introducing Mozart’s
The Marriage of Figaro

…an opera which allegedly needs no introduction… It’s a tough job to introduce an opera which needs no introduction, so we’ll leave that task to our Music Director Jonathan Lyness, a lifelong Figaro fan – and suffice to say Mozart’s...
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Help get Mid Wales Opera back on the road

Help get Mid Wales Opera back on the road

Only a few months ago we thought Mid Wales Opera was finished. Now, thanks to a funding lifeline from Powys County Council, we are within touching distance of having a sustainable plan to keep on producing live and local opera across Wales for at least three years.

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