
March 5, 2019

Blas ar opera am ddim!

Bydd bwydlen dapas Opera Canolbarth Cymru o ddanteithion operatig am ddim yn dychwelyd i Pontio, Bangor ddydd Mercher, Mawrth 13eg am 6.30pm gyda phump o gantorion yn perfformio cerddoriaeth gan hoff gyfansoddwyr y byd opera gan gynnwys Mozart, Bizet a...
Darllenwch fwy
Help get Mid Wales Opera back on the road

Help get Mid Wales Opera back on the road

Only a few months ago we thought Mid Wales Opera was finished. Now, thanks to a funding lifeline from Powys County Council, we are within touching distance of having a sustainable plan to keep on producing live and local opera across Wales for at least three years.

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