Rethink Opera: The Magic Flute, a family-friendly treat!

If you’ve never seen an opera – but fancy giving it a go – then The Magic Flute is a brilliant place to start!

We’re touring The Magic Flute over Wales this spring and you can catch the show in Hafren, Newtown on February 17th, Aberystwyth Arts Centre on March 7th, Pontardawe Arts Centre on March 9th, Pontio in Bangor on April 26th and finishing up in the Riverfront in Newport on May the 4th.

It’s got everything you need for a great night out:

  • Handsome prince – check
  • Pretty princess in peril – check
  • The baddest of baddies – definitely
  • Trials and tests to win your true love – yup
  • Some properly comic characters thrown in for good measure
  • And we’re not letting on…but let’s hope they all live happily ever after…

It’s also perfectly family friendly. We’ve put an age guidance of 7 years plus on our new production but that’s simply because it’s a fairly long show and younger children’s attention might wander.

So what can you expect?

Well for a start you may well already know some of the music. Check out the soprano tour de force that is The Queen of the Night aria:

or the delightful Papageno/Papageno duet

And the great thing this Mid Wales Opera production is they are sung in English – so no German, you’ll understand every line.

The second thing you need to know is that it’s pretty much a pantomime in all but name – but please don’t boo!  There is even an animated version you can watch done by the BBC and Welsh National Opera if you’d rather know the full story before you go or watch it with the children – great blue serpent included. Be warned though it might ruin the surprise.

Why not give it a go! We’re touring all over Wales this spring and you can catch the show, book your tickets today!

Hafren, Newtown on February 17th
Aberystwyth Arts Centre on March 7th 
Pontardawe Arts Centre on March 9th
Pontio in Bangor on April 26th 
The Riverfront in Newport on May the 4th, contact the box office to book 01633 656757

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