“Stunning in every way – unmissable” – Semele Opens in Cardiff Before National Tour

What a week! We’re about to open the doors for our third performance of Semele in Cardiff and it has been going down a storm with superb reactions from our audience and hardly a seat left in the lovely Richard Burton Theatre.
One audience member told us on opening night  it was “stunning in every way – unmissable” another commented that the “singing was wonderful” and that it was “sensitive, thoughtful & uplifting”.
We’ve had a great reaction online already … check out our Twitter with #SemeleWales
Both our Semeles in this double-cast production sparkle and shine their way through Handel’s challenging arias and our Jupiters stand up well to their lover’s vaulting ambition….plying her with chocolates, flowers and even coffee and croissants to distract her from her mortal status.
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We can’t wait to get the show on the road after our week in Cardiff at our production partner’s home theatre in the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama.
Book your tickets soon!

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