Berlioz – Beatrice and Benedict

Mid Wales Opera’s staging has style & fizz

Rian Evans, The Guardian


“Berlioz’s Shakespearean opera is stripped to the bone for four instruments and six singers, but the show is slick and spirited, with sopranos Lorena Paz Nieto and Monica McGhee standouts” – darllenwch yr adolygiad llawn

Mae’r dyddiadau hyn i gyd yn y gorffennol.


Taith Hydref 2023


Mae Opera Canolbarth Cymru ar daith eto gyda’r chweched cynhyrchiad LlwyfannauLlai, sydd wedi cael canmoliaeth enfawr. Y tro hwn byddant yn cyflwyno opera llawn hiwmor Berlioz Beatrice and Benedict, sy’n seiliedig ar Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare.

Perfformir yn Saesneg.

Mae Beatrice a Benedict ill dau yn benderfynol o aros yn sengl. Mae Beatrice yn fenyw sy’n casáu dynion (yn enwedig Benedict) ac ni all Benedict oddef merched (yn enwedig Beatrice). Hynny yw, nes bod eu ffrindiau’n cynllwynio i ddod â nhw at ei gilydd a’r ddau, yn ‘ddamweiniol’, yn gorglywed sibrydion am angerdd y naill at y llall; mae gwreichion cariad yn cael eu tanio gan glecs ac yn datblygu’n gyflym yn dân gwyllt tanbaid.

Mae opera derfynol Berlioz yn gosod ar gerddoriaeth chwyrlwynt afresymegol syrthio mewn cariad, gan ddod â dyfeisgarwch cynnes i Shakespeare nas gwelwyd gan gyfansoddwr arall. Mae angerdd oes Berlioz dros Shakespeare yn amlwg drwy gydol ei sgôr wyrthiol, yn pelydru gyda chariad ac yn pefrio ag egni, ac yn cynnwys y ddeuawd nosol, ganolog enwog, y darn harddaf a ysgrifennodd Berlioz erioed efallai.

Mae cynhyrchiad OCC yn cynnwys chwech o gantorion a phedwar offerynnwr, gyda chyfansoddiad Saesneg o’r caneuon gan Amanda Holden, ynghyd â thestun gwreiddiol Shakespeare sydd wedi ei addasu gan Richard Studer a threfniant siambr newydd gan Jonathan Lyness.



Curtis Rogers, Classical Source

“This charmingly realised project provides much to cheer an autumn’s evening.”


Beth mae ein cynulleidfa yn ei ddweud...



“Roedd yn berfformiad gwych. Rydan ni’n ffyddiog o safon uchel ofnadwy gan y cwmni arbennig yma.”

“Loved this in Aberdyfi! Amazing musicianship, fabulous singing. A real treat! Thank you all for a fantastic evening”

“Perfformiad gwych. Wedi ei fwynhau’n fawr. Diolch. ”

“Oh lucky Criccieth! (and Builth Wells, Fishguard etc…) for your Small Stages treat in store. MWO gave us a superb night in The Mix at Theatr Cymru last night – one of the best MWO events I can remember and that’s a very high bar. Enchanting music, gorgeous singing, visually stylish. ”

“If you can [go], you should! This production is wonderful, and comes to you in your village! Over 100 people were enthralled with this production when these fantastic young musicians came to Aberdyfi.”

“The Arts are in ruins in many (yes, major understatement!) the lovely little world of Mid Wales Opera is a perfect example of levelling up, taking works to pretty much anywhere and everywhere, and getting new audiences through the door. I would urge you to spend a mere couple of hours in the company of some wonderful performers, a great little band, and realise that this sort of stuff NEVER comes to our beloved little towns!”

“Bravi! The opening night of your Small Stages tour of Beatrice & Benedict was a resounding success – an evening of absolute delight. The intimacy of the space, the perfect intonation of the ensemble, the outstanding instrumental reduction of Jon Lyness and…the sheer fun and humour of the production. I was about to write, ‘If you’ve got nothing better to do tonight…’ But you can’t have. Just go! Whenever it comes near-ish to you. Go online. Book a ticket. Buy yourself some unadulterated pleasure!!!”

“Sparkling, witty, fabulous musical arrangement. A production of the highest quality with excellent singers and with excellent acting skills. A fabulous evening – we love MWO”

“I am an opera ignoramus, but absolutely loved this! Now looking up parts of it on the web to listen to again.. cast and musicians such a cheerful bunch, thanks.”

“Wonderful to see a live performance – and so up close and personal. Not an opera I knew but really enjoyed it. The singing, the musicians, the sheer delight of the story – bravo!”

Cerddoriaeth : Hector Berlioz
Trefniant y Siambr: Jonathan Lyness
Libreto: Hector Berlioz
Cyfieithiad Saesneg: Amanda Holden
Deialog: William Shakespeare, addaswyd gan Richard Studer

Act 1: 45 munud
Act 2: 45 munud


Beatrice: Monica McGhee
Benedict: Huw Ynyr
Hero: Lorena Paz Nieto
Claudio: John Ieuan Jones
Leonata: Stephanie Windsor-Lewis
Don Pedro: Matthew Stiff


Feiolín: Elenid Owen
Sielo: Nicola Pearce
Clarinét: Peryn Clement-Evans
Piano: Jonathan Lyness

Cyfarwyddwr a Chynllunydd: Richard Studer
Cyfarwyddo Cerddorol: Jonathan Lyness

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